A look into my strange, crazy, completely random and wonderful life.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Baby Fever Already?

So here I am with a two year old and a seven month old and I find myself getting baby fever, specifically baby girl fever.

I always knew I would have a little girl. I was that weird kid who made a huge keepsake box full of things for my "future daughter". During my pregnancies I hoped and prayed that I would have a little girl just to be *shortly* disappointed I wouldn't be getting a little princess.

Now I love my boys more than anything but I think we can agree that girls are more fun to shop for, the bows, the dresses, the shoes, the headbands, everything.

As I type this my two year old lays down on the floor and sniffs the wood floor and then kisses it. Haha boys are so strange.

My husband has agreed that we would try again for a little girl but knowing this will be my last chance has put me in a different mind set. I am forcing myself to believe it will be another boy so I wont get my hopes up (although to some extent I'm sure I will) just to have them crushed. I have no idea what we would name another little boy, we are lucky we both liked the name Parker. My husband had it in his mind since he was a teenager that if he had a little boy that he would name him "Tanner Rhena". I told him that Tanner was alright but there was no way I was going to give my little boy a girls middle name. So that ended that convesation.

As of right now we are not trying but I have had this vibe for a couple months that I will be pregnant before my doctors appointment next month, so I guess we'll just have to wait and see.