A look into my strange, crazy, completely random and wonderful life.

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Insanity: A Mothers Curse

Motherhood comes with so much more baggage than any woman could ever imagine. If you don't have children you might say "oh I've read every book I know what to expect." Well you are mother-effin wrong. I know, I've been there. If you are wanting children (or were like me and wanted them your whole life) then it is hard to see past the positives of a beautiful little baby. So here is my rant about how having children makes you psychotic.
Becoming a mother can(and usually does) turn even a carefree spirit into a hormonal worry wart, first your body is abducted by monsterous aliens but whats new about that? We all know you get nice and plump for nine months before things go back to normal, right? WRONG! This normal you speak of does not exist in a mothers vocabulary. The alien does vacate your body eventually (by the end of the nine months it feels like you'll be pregnant and miserable and swollen forever) but just because you now are a tad bit slimmer doesn't completely mean you are on the downhill slope.

Mommy Hormonal Overload

I truly believe every mother should get #1 a huge ass award for bringing a child into the world and #2 a lifetime prescription to some amazing drugs! Because having children will forever and I do mean FOR-EVER mess up every hormone in your body. Things that use to not bother you will suddenly cause you to
burst into tears, repeatedly.
Let me share a story of mine..

There is a bridge on the way to my In-Laws house that crosses over a lake, I have never had any problems with bridges or heights or water for that matter. After I had my second son emotions got even more out of wack. One day when we drove across the bridge I about burst into tears because a horrific scene flashed before my eyes of our vehicle flying off the bridge and into the water. Did my horrible image stop there? No of course not. Then I imagined looking into the backseat at my two boys and trying to get them out of their carseats as water was filling the van and we were sinking and what would happen if I couldn't save them. Needless to say I have to focus strictly on the radio or the floorboard everytime we cross that bridge now or I begin crying.
The immense ties we have to our children are impossible to measure and are stronger than anything else I can imagine. The love we have for our children can put us in the most horrifying paralyzing fear, I dont know any other way to describe it. I think it can almost be "scientifically" proven that we lose brain cells everytime we have a child. It is amazing how we can think we are having an "emotional" day before we have children because I can look back and think, "oh that was a good day!"
I would like to say that being a woman SUCKS. Big donkey balls...
Men don't have to be emotional, get fat, be miserable (while still being expected to clean and cook dinner) give birth, wake at every hour of the night for feedings or any of that!
Dont get me started on them not having periods either!!

But the thing that PROVES mothers are truly psychotic is that they have and accept (for the most part) all of these emotional disabilities and they wouldn't trade them for the world.
Our children mean the world to us even if they come at the high stake of our sanity, they are well worth it :)


  1. I'm sorry about the bad bridge! lol That's horrible! I already do crap like that so I'm scared of what will most likely happen when I get preggo! Dear Lord sweet baby Jesus! lol And just so you know, I think you are an AMAZING, WONDERFUL Mommy! :) (and that's a big deal because I'm very opinionated about raising kids. lol)

  2. Lol! Well thank you very much!! :D I love you tons darling!! You will be a great mama too!! ;) My bobby senses are tingling haha
