A look into my strange, crazy, completely random and wonderful life.

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

7 Facts

1. Tell 7 things about yourself
2. Pass it along to 15 other bloggers – Although I am NOT good at this so I think I am going to skip this BUT if you want to comment on this post with YOUR blog I will follow back and leave a comment on yours!

So  are we ready my pimptastic friends? lol

1. I have a very odd sense of humor and my vocabulary consists of words such as: "pimp" as in "that is so pimp!" lol "Homosexual" as in "Yes my phone is being homosexual" (I just decided one day to extend the term gay haha) "Epic".. Speaks for itself. I am also a very sweet kind friend who tells all my friends/family they are hookers, sluts, whores and bitches lol My friends know they are loved!!!

2. I am obsessed with Vampires! I have been since I was probably 10? I watched Blade more times I can count. I remember telling my dad when I grew up I was going to get the vampire symbol tattoo on the back of my neck like in the movie lol

3. One of my HUGE dreams is to wear a huge flowy princess dress and be released in a huge castle to run around all day pretending like I'm a princess running away from thieves and vampires lol Hey, vampires can chase princesses.. Let me live the dream damn it!! lol

4. I have a girl crush on Emma Stone. She is freakin gorgeous and funny as hell. I LOVE HER. I think she would be amazing to meet in person!

5.  "Rendan took Claire’s hand and pulled her into his arms where he softly whispered back, “I have lived a lonely life under the moon, I have found no other passion in this sunless life than in my mortal existence, that is until I found you my Claire. I have searched the world over for a reason worth living and I’ll be damned if I must spend one moonlit night without you by my side.” -- A random part from my vampire/romance book which is ALMOST DONE! I'm so excited!

6. I have dyed my hair every natural color except gray. I had pink highlights recently for the first time. My natural color is a dark blonde/light brown. I was a blonde blonde little girl and sadly grew up and my hair began turning a watered out poop color lol I began dying my hair when I was 17? Blonde, brown, red, black (that was accidental lol) After Parker was born I decided to try and get back to my natural color because the bleaching was killing my hair and curls so thus is my hair color now. My roots have grown out 3 or so inches and its alot lighter than I rememeber lol I am very happy to not have to touch up every 4 weeks (my hair grows very fast)

7. I live in a tiny hick town (pop. 1500? Maybe?) There isnt crap here but I LOVE IT. Our fast food consists of Sonic, Mazzios and Subway and we were doing good when we got the last two. Sonic is our only drive thru. You have to drive 30 minutes to get anywhere. Its just country enough to be perfect :) I don't have any close neighbors (course I do live on a huge ass mountain of a hill that I HATE HATE HATE in winter cause if it snows we're screwed. If it snows this winter there will be many posts about my hatred of it lol) but we are just outside town if we need something from the grocery store. I would really HATE having to move to a big city, it would depress me greatly. I love the fields and the farms and the woods. I can't wait til my boys are older and we can go build forts and climb trees together! :)


  1. This was fun! I'm not a huge fan of the vampire genre, but I do enjoy some books & movies. I wish you OODLES of luck on your book. Don't give up that dream!!

    My hair - um - all sorts of colors in my *almost* 43 years of life, right now I'm sporting WAY too much gray and my hairdresser can't see me until next Thursday. Ugh...damn gray.

    I love the idea of your small town! I live in San Jose, CA (a.k.a. Silicon Valley) and there ain't NOTHING small about it. I love the amenities, but it's too 'city'.

    AGain...good luck on the book!

  2. Thank you so much! :) I think I would literally have a heart attack if I had to drive in any big city, I'd just die haha

    Yeah I'm hoping I dont go prematurely gray.. My dad and aunt both started going gray in their late 20s yikes that would suck lol I'd have to go right back to dying if thats the case. I will accept my grays eventually lol but not when i'm still young! haha Thank you so much for reading! I am always so happy to get comments! :)

  3. Haha OMG I love you! This was great! And I'm stealing it and putting it on my blog too, so now you have to come comment! (like you wouldn't anyway hehe)
