A look into my strange, crazy, completely random and wonderful life.

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Bad Blogger

So I have been very neglectful of my blog.
After a phone call, lots of yelling, crying and begging me to come back I told my blog I'd get back on lol
I have become well.... lazy and attempting to really focus on my book which is going fabulously!! I am within grasp of the ending, I am thrilled! Next task will be finding a publisher and sending off a manuscript with fingers crossed lol
I know it is a long shot to expect to get it published but it is a wonderful dream. I will have accomplished all (except having a girl) of my dreams if it happens! lol
Either way I am going to get at least one copy made into a book through some website, not sure what yet lol so I can have a copy of my book! :D hurray! lol I'll probably need a couple copies though because I have like five friends who all want to read it when Im done lol
This isn't a really epic post which saddens me slightly, I've lost my game.
But it is 1:17 in the morning and I am feeling like I'm half asleep so I'm probably doing pretty good!
So here is a cute picture to make up for the lameness!!

Evan sharing his drink with Parker :) hehe they are so stinkin cute!

So dear blog, I will try to make more time for you.
Please dont call me back crying it was annoying
and there were alot of computer sounding beeps which just confused the hell out of me.
You need to understand my book is important to me too so if you love me you will give me my space
and if I love you I will come back to you
sound good?

lol okay time for bed!

oh P.S. Parker is 8 months old today! :) He is such a big boy!