A look into my strange, crazy, completely random and wonderful life.

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Random Motherly Thoughts

I feel like my schedule is so out of whack, I don't know whether I'm coming or going which is hilarious because I hardly ever leave the house lol
I love being a stay at home mom more than anything.
My mom stayed home with us and homeschooled us so I've spent my whole life with my ultimate dream of being a stay at home mom.
I am so thankful I can stay home with my silly little boys :)

I am so use to boys I am a little nervous about if I had a girl. I guess she'd just be a little tom boy, she would have to be a tough little thing to survive her brothers lol I asked Cody the other day if we could handle three boys (as I was having a heart attack imagining the damage three boys could do and how much they'd eat as teenagers YIKES) He just looked at me, smiled and said we could do it.
If we did indeed have a girl (I am beginning to believe it will never happen. I only make boys apparently lol) I'd have to change my blog name since it would no longer be Sammi and the boys. Hmm...
If we don't have a accident surprise before next summer then we plan on trying to get pregnant next July because for some reason I am obsessed with having a baby in April.
It's my birth month and so it's my favorite month of the year haha
I was THIS close to having an April baby but nooooo he came days before.
With my luck I'll have a baby on like May 1st oh I'd be mad! lol
Okay not really I'd be happy either way but of course my crazy inside thoughts will be hoping for an April baby. We can share the awesome month of April together! lol

I saw a picture of two little boys the other day and I had a mini heart attack because I can't seem to comprehend Parker walking and having two kids playing together. I am thrilled for them to be able to play together but I'm sad they are growing up so fast.

Evan and I are having a Ice Age marathon today! We've watched 2 and are now watching 3. Yes we skipped the first one because we watched it the other day lol I love cartoons on a very deep level lol
I'm a big kid what can I say?

I would 9 times out of 10 rather buy a cartoon DVD than any other movie. I think it's because I know I will get my money's worth out of it.
I watch cartoons even if the boys are sleeping lol
Next on my to buy list
1. Finding Nemo
2. The Incredibles

**Newsflash: I JUST realized the other day that they do not make cartoons anymore!!! Everything is Pixar. lol I know I am late in realizing this but thats beside the point**

I have decided Disney cannot make a bad cartoon, I have bought many Disney movies without watching them mainly because I know if I don't like it at least the boys would.
Movies I bought before I watched:
The Princess and the Frog <3
Despicable Me
How To Train Your Dragon
Ice Age 2 & 3
Tangled <3

And I love every single movie! lol (I know they aren't all Disney but you get the idea)

lol soo this was a long random post about children, my dire need for an April baby and cartoons lol Hope you enjoyed it.
This is Sammi, signing out.
Stay Classy San Diego


  1. Wait?! I didn't realize the whole cartoon thing either that is so sad! Ugh... Now I'm depressed....

    I love love love tangled and can not wait to meet her in 10 days!! Eeekkkk
    Her and Phineas and Ferb! They rock my world with their summer vacation I love threw them daily :)

    Oh I got my signature from my friend Karine :) I took her to dinners and she did my blog! Lmao I'm in love with Harry potter so that's my theme if you didn't notice ;)

    I read ur post about another baby I want one the same time too :( sadly I don't think that will happen for another few years if at all :( but it's cool I'll just write about my misery and everyone else can be depressed for me again lmaoooooo

    I read ur thankful post I post every week about what m thankful for! Come join me...

  2. I know I was like what the crap! when I realized the cartoon thing lol

    I am SOOO jealous you will get to meet the great Rapunzel!! Tell her Hi from me
    Also say Hi to
    Sleeping beauty
    and TIGGER!!!
    Those are my favorites! haha

    Yes I LOVE your Harry Potter theme!! Harry Potter is super fantasticly amazing lol

    I check on your blog almost daily ;) We shall blog and plot to rule the world with our awesomeness and Harry Potter trivia! (sounds good huh? haha)

    Thats cool that we both want an April baby lol I'm sorry you will have to wait! I hope you will be able to try for another :) I will read your posts and comment something random and then hopefully you wont be so depressed! lol

    Thank you so much for reading my random crap and commenting! I always feel like a kid on Christmas morning when I get a comment! haha
