A look into my strange, crazy, completely random and wonderful life.

Friday, November 4, 2011

For The Love Of Korn

I resigned myself to my sleeping chamber around midnight and after an hour of tossing and turning I finally fell asleep only to be woken a few hours later by a crying baby. I laid there hoping he would fall back asleep, I knew it had to be a half hour before I had to wake up and get ready for a doctors appointment. When I could no longer hope he would cease his wailing I groggily checked my phone and to my relief saw it was only 3AM. So I slowly crawled out of bed and began making my wobbly way towards the other side of the house. As I reached the hallway I see the two year old's door is wide open and the light is on, I look in and there he is playing away at 3 in the frickin morning. He plays innocent and says a sweet "Hi." when he sees me.
HA nice try buddy
I toss his pillow on his bed and snap that it's too early to be awake and to go back to sleep. He hops into his bed and covers up seeing his fun filled early morning adventure had come to an end.
I close his door and continue down the hall to the whining drool monsters room, I pick him up and explain that he is fed, his diaper is dry and that he needs to get over it and go back to sleep cause mommy is exhausted and he isn't gonna be held all night.
After a few pats on the back I lay him back down, give him his pacifier, turn on his mobile and say "Gnight!"
I make my way through the dark house and crawl back into my warm bed next to my passed out husband who had "accidentally" taken over my side of the bed while I was gone.

Holy crap... My life just flashed before my eyes!! My husband had me "take over" for him on his Gears of War 3 video game while he made a bowl of food. I tried and failed miserably to kill the hideous monster enemy. Needless to say I died a couple times.. If the shooting game doesn't auto-aim I hate it. Alright back to my story!

6 AM rolls around and I get up, shower and get all ready to leave. I take Evan down to Grandma's house (Parker has a runny nose so he stayed home with dad) so they can play and destroy her house with a million toys. My mom kindly lends me her car to drive since our van is rather crappy  old.. (Dont want the van to hear and for it to die on me.. That is the last thing I need!) So I'm driving to Joplin and my mothers amazing car has Sirus XM or whatever, the most amazing thing ever.
So I flip that baby back and forth from Alt Nation and the Octane.
I'm almost to the doctors office by this point and a new Korn song comes on which of course I turn up and jam to.
My mother always said satan sung backup for my music haha
I love jamming out in the car to some hard rock! Before I got out of the car I remembered not too long after I first started listening to Korn my sister made up and recorded a song on the computer. It was pretty hilarious and I thought I would share it. I have not heard this song in probably six years but it will forever be burned into my memory.

"Cornnnnnn, it comes in my dreams.
CORN I start to dreaming corn.
CORN it comes in the middle of the night, corn its so frightening.
If I dont eat it, it will eat you.
dun nu nu nu eat you.
du nu nu nu NA NA NA!!!
corn is comes in my dreams and wants to crave me
until I die.
die, die, die, die, die, die, DIE DIE DIE DIE!!!!
corn it comes in them middle of the night!
It wants to crave me until I DIE.."

As I wrote this I suddenly realized how demented my family was at such a young age lol We always had a strange sense of humor and death usually was involved.
After my super short doctors appointment thanks to a mix up which I wasnt too upset about cause it kept my lady parts unviolated lol I ran by walmart on the way home and as I got out of the car I dropped my entire purse upside down into the ground.
"Graceful Samantha"
I literally said that out loud. Glad no one was around to hear me.
So the moral of this story is always sing to Korn when it comes on the radio or the Corn song will pop into the back of your mind and death is soon to follow. That and try and not be as clumsy as me.
lmao.. ahem lets try this again.


  1. LMAO OMG I love that song! That and The Dingo! Ate your baby! lol You are so funny, I love you and this was an awesome post! :)

  2. LOL yay!! I am so glad you liked it! I knew you'd be the only one to truly understand the awesomeness of that song!! OMG I forgot about the Dingo ate your baby! hahaha I love you!!!
