A look into my strange, crazy, completely random and wonderful life.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

He Got It From His Mama

I've come to the realization that my son Parker has not only been grumpy/teething lately but he has a temper.
Yeah... The seven month old has a temper..
Definitely not good..

He is going through a whiney-I-wanna-be-held-or-I-scream-and-throw-a-fit thing.
My first kid was NEVER like this.
Evan was (and is still) the most mellow child ever, he was perfectly content to just sit in his bouncer and watch everyone.
I orginally thought Parker was just going through a fussy stage but now am under the impression that this one is going to get in more trouble than his older brother.
I would love to blame this on his father since he is Cody's mini-me but I am afraid this is from me, well more of baby me.

My parents told me when I was his age I would throw fits and they had to let me cry it out. I apparently wouldn't calm down I'd just get furious and throw a fit so they would have to spank me and then I'd cry for real and then go to sleep. I was also the newborn they had to go all out to keep awake during the day (cold wash cloths) because I had my days and nights backwards. (Luckily they only had to do the torture of the wash cloths for one day and then I was on the right schedule lol)

Apparently I wasn't a very good baby lol

So yeah I think he probably got his baby temper from me.
He is killing mom.

I've spent so much time checking him (clean diaper, fed, not too warm) and then letting him cry it out, always being on the verge of ripping my hair out until he calms himself down.
I am very happy he fast asleep now, most wonderful silence ever.
The first cry you hear when the child wakes up is like hearing the world crashing down in your house lol
I hate being so tired, I would like to request some amazing crack energy pills please! lol

On a nerdy note my 18 year old brother and my husband are having a male sleep over because at midnight tonight Skyrim is released. They will be at Game Stop waiting for the game so they can rush home and spend the ENTIRE night living the dream playing the much (over a year) anticipated video game. Tomorrow is the 2nd male sleep over.
Can we hear a nomination for Best Wife of the year? haha
My brothers girlfriend and Laura are coming over to have girl time so it will be lots of fun! :)

1 comment:

  1. Aww, I'm sorry Parker is being a grumpy baby. Good thing he is SO DARN cute! hehe I love you and I'm sorry your so tired, that may have to do with your back pain ya know. I love you tons!
