A look into my strange, crazy, completely random and wonderful life.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

The Night from Hell

Last night was a long stressful night. The seven month old or "grumpy butt" as I liked to call him was either teething or felt that his mama had it too easy and wanted to raise some hell. He cried and cried and then cried some more. He didn't want to lay down, he was hot, he didn't want his bouncer, only being held made it all better.
What a drama king huh?
So I'd hold him for a little while then try it all again. Clean diaper, full tummy, fan to keep him cool. Nope nothing.
This went on for hours.
It was after midnight before he finally had cried himself almost out. (Just enough whining that would keep me awake) I set an alarm to check on him at one and then I turned off the monitor and tried to get a little sleep.
**Trueblood theme song alarm goes off at one AM**
Clicked on the monitor and Parker is fast asleep thank goodness, it seems as though the worst of the night is over right?
At 4:30 I wake up with a horrible stomach ache and was extremely nauseous, at 5 I got out of bed and resigned myself to the couch (with a bottle of water and a bag of saltine crackers) while my husband got up and got ready for work. By the time 6:30 rolled around the vice grip had released my stomach but the nausea persisted. I went back to bed and slept til 8:30 when I got up with my boys and I made them breakfast and I went on with my day.
I remembered having this crappy stomach thing yesterday morning as well but today was much worse and I STILL feel all icky.
No fun what so ever.
Let us take a moment to pray that Parker goes to sleep easily tonight and that my horrible incident of terror does not repeat it self lol


  1. I do wish you luck! I'm so glad my 'baby' days are behind me. So many sleep deprived nights! :-) Hope you are feeling better AND get that rest!!

  2. Thank you! The next night was much better!! :)
